Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Countdown Has Begun

1 day. . .

Tomorrow one of the Arabic teachers is getting married.  It will be my first Moroccan wedding, and I'm excited and nervous.  I went to a Kaftan store with my friend Lauren the other day and we tried on multiple Kaftans--this is the traditional Moroccan dress for fabulous fancy parties like weddings or Sboas (baby naming ceremonies).  We picked one, put some money down, and will go back to pick them up tomorrow, the day of the wedding in the afternoon.  Then, we'll go to the wedding place around 8-9pm. They don't really perform a ceremony (that I know of), but there will be dancing, eating, coffee, tea, and LOUD music until. . . 2 or 4 in the morning???!!!!  Pictures will definitely be following shortly!

8 days. . .

Until the desert!  We're almost through with the 2nd week of 4th quarter--we're just cooking right along (literally and figuratively as I've been cooking with Amy for the past 4 weeks or so). Every day I look at my calendar and think "Oh my gosh! How am I going to get through everything I need to with my students?  Oh well.  Guess we just won't get to it."  And then I feel lazy because I feel like I have senior-itis and I'm ready to check out.  My countdowns probably don't help. . .

Anyway, this will be my first in-country vacation.  The first weekend of break I'm taking a MUCH NEEDED break. I'm not going anywhere. . . and although I'd like to say I'm not doing anything, I'm going to try to finish the rest of planning for the last 6 weeks of school.

During the actual week of spring break, I'm heading south.  First stop will be Marrakesh with Marcy where I'm hoping to do a bit of shopping--always a plus!  The last part of the week, we'll be making our second stop at the edge of the Sahara Desert.  Then, as part of a birthday trip for one of the Amicitia teachers, we're heading into the desert for a few nights, a few camel rides, a few delicious meals, and a few outings of sand boarding!  Should be a blast!

23 days . . .

In approximately 3 weeks, I'm going to make an attempt at traveling alone in Morocco.  A friend from Memphis just moved to Tetouan, a smallish town about 6 hours north of Fes.  She's teaching at an American Language Center, and she just arrived at the beginning of April.  Because of her first week of teaching followed by our spring break, I won't be able to head up that way right away; however, I'm super excited to go and help her set up her apartment and maybe spread some of my sweet Arabic language knowledge her way!

XX days. . .

I'm possibly trying to keep the date my arrival to the States a secret for various reasons. . . but I'm happy to announce that we're into double digits.  Plane tickets have been purchased and various in-state travel plans have been made.  I've never been more excited for a trip (including Christmas in Paris and spring break #1 in Italy).  I've been reading F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" with my Honors class the past 2 weeks, and there's a reference to an event the protagonist has been looking forward to for five years that may not exactly meet with the expectations and illusions he created in his head.  UNLIKE, Jay Gatsby, I'm pretty sure that this summer is going to ROCK!  I can't wait to visit some of my best friends through Ohio and Tennessee, spend time with my awesome family members, have some catch-up and much needed time with my brother later in the summer, and generally spend quiet evenings eating good food, drinking sweet tea, talking, and watching movies with my parents (with the latter two not occurring simultaneously, if dad has anything to say about it).  Also, the cooking I've been doing will hopefully transfer to the States as well, and I can't wait to try out various Moroccan dishes for mom, dad, family, and friends.  I've already planned to fill my time with driving in a country where local traffic laws are regularly followed, daily trips to Dee & Gee's for ice cream (and Jerry's for snow cones in Memphis!), piano/singing dates with mom, "helping" dad at the office (which may or may not involve me sitting in his office staring at him while he works), catching up on reading the "classics" as well as working on future lesson plans, and generally being lazy & basking in the sunshine, as I enjoy my time with my parents.  Being overseas has definitely taught me how much I value my family and my time with them.

* * *

Well, those are the 3 big events that will be happening in my life soon.  The month of May should fly by as every weekend we have a big event at Amicitia--a talent show, prom, debate tournaments, science fair, and elementary and high school plays.

I'm hoping to write a blog soon about what I've learned (or haven't) and how I've grown (or haven't) this year.  I can tell that my outlook on life has definitely brightened now that the weather is warming up again, and even though I've had a rough week learning that many of my friends won't be returning next year, the fact that the end of the tunnel (at least this year's tunnel) is visible--or semi-approaching quickly--helps brighten my life and has made me much more optimistic this month.

As ever, warfare issues are ever-present, but God has been gracious and is constantly giving me reminders of his faithfulness, and so many of my friends here have been generous with their time, listening to my heartache, and their wisdom, giving me great Godly advice.  I'm so blessed to be here with people I trust and cherish.

* * *

Much love to you all.  TwHeshtik bezeff, walikin ghrunshufik qareb! (I miss you a lot, but I will see you soon)