Well, folks. Welcome to my life as a writer. . . non-existent. When I started this blog, I vowed I would write daily--bi-weekly--weekly--monthly. . . and even THAT has not happened. My apologies. Although I've had plenty of time to write this summer, I've spent my days in a "lazy" fashion. It was the first summer off from teacher, and what a wonderful time I've had! I totally dig the whole "work for 9 months and get 3 months off" thing--although the paycheck fits right along with that schedule too. :)
I don't even remember what I wrote last...and as part of the "lazy" thing I didn't even check before I started writing this. Oh well. I do know that it was before the end of school. Amicitia officially finished classes June 15th, and it was a busy race to the finish (I've been watching too much of the Olympics this week!). Every weekend was packed with school Activities--speech & debate, the elementary production of Oliver, high school plays, and graduation. I was happy to attend all activities, and even was asked by the Senior class to give a speech at graduation. What an honor! And how terrifying for a first-year teacher. If I felt they didn't learn anything during the school year, how in the world can I impart wisdom on them in a 5-10 minute period??? However, it all went well. I was proud of each one of them as they walked across the stage to get their diplomas, and I was that much closer to home. :)
Fast forward.....
While I haven't been hiding under a rock, I have been a mixture of super busy and super holed up at mom and dad's. I arrived back in the States via Detroit on June 18th--just in time to visit my grandmother and aunt before they headed out to the Canadian Rockies for a trip. Apparently my family is made up of a bunch of travelers! I was able to kick jet lag right before I headed down to Memphis for two weeks. It was WONDERFUL to see all my friends in the South. I was a bit worried about catching up with people since our lives are completely different, and we haven't talked much over the past year....but the Lord is good, and we were able to pick up right where we left off. It was two weeks filled with lots of good food, laughter, hugs, movies, good books, and fantastic, supportive friends. I'm so grateful to the people I've met in Memphis and can't wait until I see them again.
After two weeks in Memphis, I was back at mom and dad's in Ohio for a week. I think I sat on the couch the entire week watching old t.v. show reruns on Netflix. Incredible! Then, it was back to traveling with mom and dad--this time we headed to Kentucky to see my aunt, uncle, and cousins. We had a great time enjoying nature (we saw deer every night), eating s'mores, and being with family. Then, when we arrived home, David came back for a mid-deployment break from Afghanistan. Brother and sister reunited again! I haven't seen him in over a year, and it was great to be laughing and arguing with each other once more. The 4 of us headed up to Lakeside for a relaxing getaway earlier this week. We ate Toft's ice cream, sat by the lake, ate perch, played shuffleboard, had more Toft's, watched the Olympics, went to the Marblehead lighthouse, and had even more Toft's. It was great!
I've also cooked a few Moroccan dishes since I've been home. It's been fun, but it's been frustrating as well. It's not easy to find the right types of meat or prunes when people here don't make those types of dishes. Almost my entire family came up last Sunday to see David, and I made a chicken & onion tajine, and a beef & prune tajine. While they probably weren't my best, it was fun to make lots of food & enjoy time with family. It was great to see everyone, and it's crazy to think how much time flies between visits!

The last 2 days, I went to Findlay to visit with my grandma and aunt again, and to spend time with my "baby" cousin who heads off to college in a few weeks. I can't believe how time has flown by. We had a great time with pedis, Pixar, and . . . . I can't think of a 3rd "p" word. . . . but we ate a lot of food too.
That about should catch you up. This next week I'll spend more time with David and begin packing things to head back. The following week I'll be in Nashville and Columbus, and then I head back on the 20th. I've been super excited to be home and relaxing. I'm already having mixed feelings about going back to Fes. Even since I arrived in the U.S. I've wanted to be back in Fes--I'm missing my friends and some great Moroccan food/fruit. However, the longer I've been here, the more at home I feel again. Now that I know school is starting soon, there's a part of me that wants to head back early--set up my classroom, see my lovely roommates, meet the new teachers, and catch up with old ones (not literally old. . . :) ), but there's also a part that wants to stay in America--here with my parents, my extended family, Target, a car to drive whenever I want! I've definitely go multiple-personalities going on here. Ah well. The life of an overseas ex-pat.
One more tidbit. Before I officially return to Fes, I get to spend about 5 days in London with my friend Emily. I can't wait to travel around the area, see the Olympic stadium, and quite possibly have tea with the queen. Here's hoping!
I don't even remember what I wrote last...and as part of the "lazy" thing I didn't even check before I started writing this. Oh well. I do know that it was before the end of school. Amicitia officially finished classes June 15th, and it was a busy race to the finish (I've been watching too much of the Olympics this week!). Every weekend was packed with school Activities--speech & debate, the elementary production of Oliver, high school plays, and graduation. I was happy to attend all activities, and even was asked by the Senior class to give a speech at graduation. What an honor! And how terrifying for a first-year teacher. If I felt they didn't learn anything during the school year, how in the world can I impart wisdom on them in a 5-10 minute period??? However, it all went well. I was proud of each one of them as they walked across the stage to get their diplomas, and I was that much closer to home. :)
Fast forward.....
While I haven't been hiding under a rock, I have been a mixture of super busy and super holed up at mom and dad's. I arrived back in the States via Detroit on June 18th--just in time to visit my grandmother and aunt before they headed out to the Canadian Rockies for a trip. Apparently my family is made up of a bunch of travelers! I was able to kick jet lag right before I headed down to Memphis for two weeks. It was WONDERFUL to see all my friends in the South. I was a bit worried about catching up with people since our lives are completely different, and we haven't talked much over the past year....but the Lord is good, and we were able to pick up right where we left off. It was two weeks filled with lots of good food, laughter, hugs, movies, good books, and fantastic, supportive friends. I'm so grateful to the people I've met in Memphis and can't wait until I see them again.
The last 2 days, I went to Findlay to visit with my grandma and aunt again, and to spend time with my "baby" cousin who heads off to college in a few weeks. I can't believe how time has flown by. We had a great time with pedis, Pixar, and . . . . I can't think of a 3rd "p" word. . . . but we ate a lot of food too.
That about should catch you up. This next week I'll spend more time with David and begin packing things to head back. The following week I'll be in Nashville and Columbus, and then I head back on the 20th. I've been super excited to be home and relaxing. I'm already having mixed feelings about going back to Fes. Even since I arrived in the U.S. I've wanted to be back in Fes--I'm missing my friends and some great Moroccan food/fruit. However, the longer I've been here, the more at home I feel again. Now that I know school is starting soon, there's a part of me that wants to head back early--set up my classroom, see my lovely roommates, meet the new teachers, and catch up with old ones (not literally old. . . :) ), but there's also a part that wants to stay in America--here with my parents, my extended family, Target, a car to drive whenever I want! I've definitely go multiple-personalities going on here. Ah well. The life of an overseas ex-pat.
One more tidbit. Before I officially return to Fes, I get to spend about 5 days in London with my friend Emily. I can't wait to travel around the area, see the Olympic stadium, and quite possibly have tea with the queen. Here's hoping!