The title of this post is dedicated to a dear friend (who shall remain nameless). I heard this endearing phrase more than a couple times during the last 14 months of my journey in Morocco. Most of the time, I was angry when I heard it. I had been complaining about the weather, the internet, my students, my lesson plans, finances, the weather, the internet, the weather, the weather. . . did I mention I complained a lot about the weather? Well, I heard this phrase again last night, but the content of my misery has morphed much since last fall. It's interesting to look back and see how much I have changed, and although I don't think I have changed much, some very close friends have encouraged me this week on the person I've become and grown to be after 14 months abroad. So, thank you for that. You know who you are. :)
But I digress. . . I feel that I am constantly having to "suck it up." Last year it was the new beginnings that caused a problem. This year, it's the pressure I've put on myself to be much better at my job or my relationships. . . and it's the fact that I'm continually trying to place my agenda and timing on situations, rather than God's. We're now drawing to the end of our first quarter for the school year. I look at the past 8 weeks and can't believe it's only October, but also am incredulous at how quickly those 8 weeks have zipped by. Once again, the only useful analogy is that my life is a roller coaster. Sometimes those treks up the hill seem to take forever, but only a few minutes later, the ride has come to a complete stop. As a planner and organizer, I'm already trying to determine what I should do with my life after the current school year ends. My original commitment was 2 years, and I'm proud to say I will see that through. But now, it only leaves me with more questions and uncertainties. I would love to stay a third year on same days. But the next day or the next week, I'm pining for the pine trees and the feel of autumn in NW Ohio. I had a conversation with a friend this morning, and I recounted all the things I love about October in Ohio: the autumn weather, beautiful trees, crunching through leaves, football games, bonfires, hay rides, apple cider, sweatshirts. . . and the list goes on. Yeah, it's cold here and I have to wear sweatshirts, and yeah, I can create an apple cider-esque concoction, but it's not the same. But then again, there's delicious fruit here, the opportunity to learn a new language, great friends and fellowship, traveling capabilities. . .and the list goes on. So, once again, I must suck it up and wait for the One whose plan is bigger than mine to let me know what's on my agenda next. You can be praying for that if you want. :)
As far as what's been happening socially the last month, it all seems to be the same. I've been helping with an SAT preparatory session on Saturday mornings for many of the 11th and 12th graders. The school days are flying by, and we're trucking quickly through Chaucer, early American literature, narrative essays, and analytical practice. In the past few weeks (working backwards through time), the teachers played Capture the Flag in a forest on the edge of Fes for a birthday party, we had a Homecoming dance on the roof of the high school, I went to a Moroccan friend's house for Couscous on her birthday, we had a going away party for our dear Mr. Norton (History teacher) who moved back to America, I traveled to Marrakech with some high school students for a weekend getaway and discussions on leadership (Side note: this trip was GREAT! We stayed a a 4 or 5-star hotel with a water park and all-inclusive food and drinks. So much fun was had. . .but not much lesson planning. :) ), and I've baked lots of cookies, breads, and crepes. Next weekend is the biggest Islamic holiday of the year (Eid al Kbir), and we have a 5-day weekend; the rest of November, we have a few days off for other Islamic/Moroccan holidays, and a 4-day weekend for Thanksgiving. I feel like the autumn has already flown by and Christmas will be here before I know it.
After a great p&w session the other evening, I'm looking forward to what the Father is going to do in my heart and life, Morocco, and my life here--whether that's for 8 more months, or 8 more years! Can't wait to share more as I roll with the punches.
And to all you princesses out there--Suck it up! I promise life gets better. :)